Thursday, January 23, 2014

Google’s Search Filters Now Update Dynamically Based On Your Queries

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Nope, it’s not just you. Google recently changed the top menu on its search result pages so that it will dynamically adjust based on the topic of your current query, the company tells us. Now, the “More” drop-down menu where options like “Blogs,” “Discussions,” “Patents,” and others were once found, has been replaced by a truncated list of search filters. Meanwhile, the bar at the top which lets you filter by “Web,” “News,” “Images,” “Books,” “Maps,” etc., will also now update based on your queries.

This is a minor, but still notable change impacting Google users, who may have previously relied on that “More” menu to better filter their search results. “Patents,” for example, was especially useful for doing research, and it’s gone – even when your query contains the keyword “patent!”

That “More” menu no longer has an extensive list of filters, only four. Depending on the search, this could include verticals like “Maps,” “Shopping,” “Books,” “Applications,” “Videos,” or “Flights,” for instance. Meanwhile, the main menu will always be led by “Web” in the first spot, but the other options will rearrange themselves as need be.


Above, an example of the Google menu from earlier this year. Below, are some sample searches which show how the menu will now change based on your queries.

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“We’re always making changes to Search to help you find the most useful things more easily,” a Google spokesperson says, also confirming that the change is a very recent one. “For example, if you search for ‘English to Tagalog’ you’ll see ‘Apps’ that’ll help you with translation as well as ‘Books’ and ‘Shopping’ in case you’re looking to buy a printed or electronic dictionary,” she offers as an example.

As for the missing options themselves? While they may no longer be available as a standalone search filter, we understand that content will now be included within the main search results.

A recipe search engine is present as well, we’re reminded. For example, try a search for “chicken pot pie,” and then click on “Search Tools.”

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You’ll then be able to filter your searches by ingredients, cook time, calories, and more. Recipe search is not a new feature in Google – the company has been working on this service since 2011. But in light of Pinterest’s launch of its own recipe search engine this week, it’s worth pointing out (eh, Google?).

(image credit, old menu:

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