Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Here’s What The Upcoming Xbox One Dashboard Update Looks Like

Slowly but surely, Microsoft is making up for shipping the unfinished console that is the Xbox One.

In February, they shipped an update that brought many an earth-shattering feature, from “Telling how much space you have left on the hard drive” to “An icon that tells you if your controller is about to die.”

Another update is coming in March. Here’s what it looks like:

The gist of the update: it fixes a bunch of annoyances introduced in the Xbox One’s friend system. You can now more easily find people you’ve played with recently (like you could on the 360), easily invite friends to multiplayer games (like you could on the 360), and party chat will be turned on by default as soon as you form a party (like it was on the 360.)

They’re also adding the ability to broadcast your gameplay to Twitch, in case you’re one of few people that anyone wants to watch play video games.

[In our original review of the Xbox One, I recommended waiting a few months before buying a One. Three months later, I’d still say “Wait”. The only reason to plunk down $500 for a One at this point is Titanfall, which comes out in mid-March and is truly incredible. I expect the One to get much better in time — but, for now, the Xbox One is a shiny black Titanfall box that happens to do stuff like Netflix and Hulu moderately well.]

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