Thursday, January 30, 2014

Flink Is An Addictive Mobile Fashion Experience To Discover New Looks


Flink Screenshots

Meet Flink a brand new mobile app that will become the perfect time waster for fashion enthusiasts. It’s a well-designed app to browse new looks on your favorite fashion blogs in a native app. The overall experience is very addictive.

When you first open the app, you can instantly follow a selection of some well-known fashion blogs. After that, it works a lot like Frontback and Mindie. You are immersed in the picture. It fills up the entire screen.

With one swipe, you get to see another look, and another, and another. Maybe you really like what this woman is wearing. So you can swipe right to see other pictures. With one tap, you can see where this dress or this handbag come from.

But contrarily to Frontback or Mindie, it isn’t a social app — it’s a content app. Flink has made a beautiful fashion blog reader for mobile, a sort of Flipboard for fashion.

You can like and share a look, but what’s interesting is how you can get lost in the app. Every now and then, a button appears saying “3 new looks available”, you just have to tap it and you will get brand new professional pictures.

And of course, you can spend countless of hours looking for new fashion bloggers and tweaking your list of bloggers to what you really want. When you like a look, it is saved in a separate tab, so you can always go back and find it later.

Comments are public and Flink could end up creating a community of passionate fashion curators.

What about copyright? Flink has reached out to dozens of popular fashion bloggers, and they were eager to see their content in the app, except a couple of people. Flink bets on fair use to show the pictures. With each post, there is a link to the actual blog post — it works a lot like an RSS reader or a read later service in the end. If a blogger complains, the team promises to remove its content from the app. This strategy worked well for Pinterest, and there is no reason that it won’t work again.

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