Thursday, January 23, 2014

For Those Of You About To Rock, We Offer The Guitar Wing


I got my first real Guitar Wing

Bought it at the Kickstart thing

Played it ’til my fingers bled

It was the winter Jay Smith and Travis Redding introduced their new $149 guitar rig

The team and some guys from Austin

Had a band and were into tech.

“Guitar Wing is a wireless controller covered in sensors designed for electric guitars and basses,” said rep Mike Fratamico.

It connects right below the neck.

Oh, when I look at their Kickstarter page

You see they want $45K

And they’re planning on shipping

In probably early May

And there are 30 days in the campaign

Ain’t no use in wonderin’

About how it works because we can ask Mike:

“We are including WingFX with the hardware that acts as a standalone application or a plugin for existing DAW’s like Garage Band, so users who have never used any kind of MIDI controller can start playing with it right away. As with all of our controllers, we have an idea for how they will be adopted but the truly exciting part is seeing what our users end up doing with it. Usually, these are things we never imagined,” he said.

And it’s covered in shiny lights.

Want to set off fireworks?

The Guitar Wing can control lights and effects.

Vernon Reid of Living Colour

Says this is the best gear for his gigs.

I asked the team if they’d call it “bitchen’”

Mike said “Yes I would.”

Can you play it in the kitchen?

Presumably there it will also sound good.

“We are small enough to take chances and put out unprecedented products,” said Mike.

“We often have little way of knowing how well one of our products will truly perform in the market since our releases are often the first of their kind.”

The team made lots of cool instruments

And this is the latest in their line.

(With apologies to Ryan Adams)

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